Abbys knee

The Expert Medical Opinion service within the Virtual Clinic gives Accuro members access to over 50,000 of the world's leading specialists. Virtual Clinic is powered by Teledoc and was previously known as Best Doctors.

Medical concern

Accuro member Abby* has a history of right knee problems. She recently injured her right knee again and sought care from her orthopedic surgeon. She had an MRI scan, which resulted in arthroscopic surgery on her knee. Abby currently runs several kilometers a week but would like to know how to prolong her current function, as well as avoid pain in her knee, which she still suffers from at times.

Reaching out for an Expert Medical Opinion

Abby used the Accuro Virtual Clinic to access an Expert Medical Opinion to find the most appropriate treatment to extend the need for a knee replacement, which she understands she may eventually need.

The Expert Medical Opinion team matched her to a leading expert who assessed the Abby's case. They noted that she had "post-traumatic osteoarthritis" of the right knee. The Expert reviewed existing treatment options and suggested that the member minimise high-impact loading forces, such as running, and to concentrate more on swimming, cycling, and other non-impact activities. The Expert also recommended follow up with a physiotherapist who can keep an eye on her exercise regime, make sure she remains flexible and strong, and provide accountability and support to keep her within a safe range of activity without over extending. If symptoms of osteoarthritis develop, the Expert noted that managing joint pain with injection therapy would be a reasonable option.


In summary, to extend the useful lifespan of the Abby's joint, the Expert suggested maintaining some form of cardiovascular fitness and exercise, which needs to be an important part of her treatment regime for osteoarthritis. However, the impact needs to be minimised in order to be beneficial.

Six months after her Expert Medical Opinion, Abby feels like her right knee has improved by undertaking the Expert’s recommendations. She has not felt like she needs to discuss her care with any surgeons, and she feels as though she is doing very well following the advice of her report.

Want your own Expert Medical Opinion?

All Accuro members with a Hospital and Surgical plan have access to the Virtual Clinic and Expert Medical Opinion as part of their policy. There is no additional cost or limit on the number of times that you can use this service.

About Abby's Expert

Dr David E Attarian is Professor and Executive Vice Chair for Orthopaedics at Duke University School of Medicine in North Carolina (NC). He is also Medical Director of the Musculoskeletal CSU.

Dr Attarian has received numerous national and international awards and is a member of the American College of Surgeons, American Orthopaedic Association, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons, Arthroscopy Association of North America, NC Orthopaedic Association, and the NC Medical Society.

* In order to respect and maintain the patient’s privacy, some personal details have been modified. Photographs are for illustrative purposes only and are not of the member.