23 September 2023

Accuro members advised of proposal to transfer Accuro’s insurance portfolio to UniMed

Accuro and UniMed first announce the proposal to come together, subject to approval from the membership and the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ).

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30 October 2023

First Special General Meeting

92.8 percent of members voting at the Annual General Meeting voted in support of the Proposal in the first of two Special General Meetings.

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20 November 2023

Special general meeting

96.1 percent of members voting at the SGM voted to confirm the passing of the motion from the first Special General Meeting held on 30 October.

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22 December 2023

Application for transfer submitted to the Reserve Bank of New Zealand

Transfers and amalgamations of insurance companies must be approved by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ). Following the November Special General Meeting, an application for approval of the transfer was submitted to the RBNZ.

18 March 2024

Reserve Bank of New Zealand Approves Application to Transfer

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1 June 2024

Accuro Transfers to UniMed

Accuro officially becomes part of UniMed. Accuro members become UniMed members.

From the date of transfer, Accuro no longer offers or underwrites insurance and ceases to be a licensed insurer.

From a member perspective, not much changes. Their health insurance cover and benefits remain exactly the same as their current Accuro policy, the difference is that UniMed is listed as the insurer on the policy.

Post Transfer

The Accuro Society Winds Up

The Accuro Health Insurance Society will continue to exist for a short time after transfer, but it will have no members and no license to offer insurance. The process to wind up the Society begins from 1 June, the date of transfer.