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Taking care of our members and putting their health before profits is what makes Accuro New Zealand’s Best Little Health Insurer.
In June 2018, in support of Bowel Cancer Awareness Month, we partnered with Eclipse Pharmacy to give all Accuro members the opportunity of purchasing the New Zealand approved Bowel Screening Kit at a fraction of the normal price. This was an initiative to raise awareness that New Zealand has one of the highest incidences of bowel cancer in the world (each year around 3,000 people are diagnosed with the disease and more than 1,200 will die).
More than 50 Accuro members took advantage of this offer during June and July and six of those members received results that required further medical investigation, all covered by Accuro.
This simple initiative was so effective that Accuro decided to include it as a free active benefit to all members on a hospital plan every three years from 1 September 2018. Being an active insurer is about providing our members with access to benefits, resources and services that support them and their family’s health and wellbeing.
Irene, an Accuro member from Auckland, took up our offer of a free bowel testing kit despite having no symptoms or issues to indicate that anything needed looking into. She was therefore surprised to receive a positive test result. Irene undertook further medical investigation procedures, covered by Accuro, and was shocked to discover that she had a large mass growing in her rectum. Without this initiative, Irene would not have known about this mass until it was potentially too late.
I would like to say thank you to Accuro for your initiative of the bowel testing kits. I returned a positive result for blood present in the test. Because I have medical insurance with you, I didn’t have to worry about waiting to have an investigation done. I had a colonoscopy today and a large partially obstructive polyp removed. The surgeon said that had it been left, it would have become cancerous. I feel very lucky to have Accuro as my insurer, so again thank you.
Kind regards, Irene
Even if you don’t have symptoms, like Irene, you could still have an innocent growth called a polyp that could quickly develop into bowel cancer. Most of us don’t enjoy the thought of taking a ‘poo’ test but it’s quick and easy to do with the home bowel testing kits and it could save your life. It’s not just Irene who has experienced a positive test, we have had over 20 members in the past few months test positive and undergo further investigation and treatment.
The free bowel testing kits are another example of Accuro putting their member’s health before profits, that’s why over 30,000 people have joined New Zealand’s best little health insurer.
Accuro is a brand owned, operated and underwritten by Union Medical Benefits Society Limited (UniMed).
UniMed holds a Class 3 Financial Advice Provider License issued by the Financial Markets Authority. You can view UniMed's financial services registration details online, here: Financial Service Providers Register
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