Even though we have got a little bit bigger, we continue to provide the same quality products, fast claims turnaround and knowledgeable customer service that members have come to expect.

What we do differently

  • At Accuro, we only do health insurance. That's why we are experts at it.
  • We are a not-for-profit cooperative, which means that we are working for our members, not shareholders.
  • Being with Accuro Health Insurance means that you can choose your own specialist.
  • Children on Accuro policies can stay at child rates until their 25th birthday, that's four years more than other insurance plans.
  • You're covered for specialist consultations and diagnostic procedures for 12 months either side of surgery. Six months more than other insurance plans.
  • We provide faster responses, like pre-approving claims within 48 hours.
  • As part of UniMed, we are still 100% New Zealand owned and operated.

Active Benefits

We want to actively engage with our members to help them stay healthy and well.